Ocean Robotics Planet Articles

Articles for Location: Sellafield, UK

Number of matching Articles: 2

Another Saab Seaeye Tiger-N ROV Goes Nuclear

Built to survive in nuclear storage ponds, a sixth Saab Seaeye Tiger-N robot has been ordered for the Sellafield nuclear site. The sixth Seaeye Tiger-N joins a fleet of nuclear-environment enabled Seaeye Tiger-Ns, deployed to gather and sort, metre-long, 15kg radioactive fuel bars, for removal to long-term storage, among other roles.

Tigers clear nuclear waste

Two Saab Seaeye Tiger robotic vehicles are to work in the radioactive ponds at the Sellafield nuclear site. They were chosen because their proven thruster reliability is vitally important in a highly corrosive environment where maintenance intervention is hazardous to humans.

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