Ocean Robotics Planet Articles

Articles for Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Number of matching Articles: 3

Boxfish Research renames to Boxfish Robotics

Boxfish Research is excited to announce the official renaming to Boxfish Robotics. The decision reflects the company’s evolving focus and product line, emphasising its commitment to underwater exploration and robotics technology.

Phoenx Divers Assist with Vessel in New Zealand

In the early hours of the 23rd of December, an urgent inquiry was received from a Phoenix client requesting a proposal and timeline for a dive team to mobilize immediately to international waters 12 miles from the city of Auckland, New Zealand. The situation was complicated as the vessel had undergone an underwater inspection in a previous port with the subsequent report and findings forwarded to the New Zealand Government for review prior to entry.

Sir Eion Edgar joins Hawaiki Cable To build new submarine cable system across the Pacific

Hawaiki Cable and SIL Long Term Holdings Limited (SIL), the family investment vehicle of Sir Eion Edgar, are pleased to announce they have signed a binding agreement to become equity partners to build the Hawaiki submarine cable system.

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