Ocean Robotics Planet Publications

ROV Planet Magazine Issue 05

The magazine of choice for Subsea Construction and ROV Professionals. Welcome to ROV Planet | ROV Demand Update | Interview with Andrew Hodgson, CEO of SMD | Sub-Atlantic Tether Management Systems (TMS) | The Power of Four: J2’s Innovative Tool Changer | The 7 Steps to Success – Site Integration Tests | ROV Planet Poster – Oceaneering NEXXUS ROV | ROV Hall of Fame – WSP/PIV | Double Eagle Down Under | QSTAR Providing Stellar ROV Training | ROVs for Marine Research | MATE’s 2015 Underwater Robotics Competition.

ROV Planet Magazine Issue 04

The fourth issue of ROV Planet is out now! Supplier Costs Beyond the Low Price of Oil | Weathering the Seasons of the ROV industry | Oceaneering Wins Spotlight New Technology Awards at OTC | The accreditation of the Oceaneering Training Programmes by OGAS | EUREKA – Delta SubSea’s Pipeline Hydrate Localization Tool | ROV Planet Poster – Schilling Robotics UHD-III ROV | The Schilling Robotics UHD-III ROV – Interview with Tyler Schilling | Deep Trekker DTG2 ‘Worker’ Review | ROVOP celebrate Aberdeen HQ Opening | Subsea Treasure Hunting – A Predator ROV looks for Gold | Wireless Underwater Acoustic Video Communication

ROV Planet Magazine Issue 03

The third issue of ROV Planet includes the following articles: Music Corner: Jane Gjestland, The Tooltec Story, The Underwater Intervention (UI) 2015 Coverage, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" ROVOP Student Placements, MATE International ROV Competition Theme 2015, The Premier of Forum’s XLX-C Work Class ROV, ROV Planet Poster, Sea Trials with the Surveyor Interceptor ROV, Pushing the Boundaries: Thinking Beyond a Full Metal Chassis (Ron Allum & the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER), The Science Behind Industry Leading ROV Positioning, Baxter, the Robot: Redefining ROV Manipulation, Blue Robotics Propelling the Future of Marine Robotics and Ocean Exploration. Sit back and enjoy the third issue!

ROV Planet Magazine Issue 02

The second issue of ROV Planet includes articles such as the Work Class ROV Demand Report, Micro-ROV Fleet Management, the Mariana Trench Exploration with the KAIKO, Oceans Holyrood Initiative, “Superior” ROV Tech Training at the Marine Institute, AUV Under-Ice Operations, NANO-Good Things Come in Small Packages, Deepwater Wells and Outer Space, MATE ROV Competitions, and short reports on events happening in the World of ROVs. Sit back and enjoy the second issue!

ROV Planet Magazine Issue 01

With 6000 email distributions and 2000 printed copies delivered to the offices of ROV & subsea construction related companies and also distributed at trade shows – ROV Planet aims to become the leading publication, online news portal, and forum of the ROV & subsea construction industries.

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