In December 2016 at The Underwater Centre in Fort William, Scotland, DOF Subsea (DOF) conducted a demonstration of dynamic underwater laser scanning as a replacement for traditional metrology techniques using 2G Robotics’ and Sonardyne’s complete dynamic survey solution.
The demo showcased the complete dynamic survey solution, which integrates 2G Robotics’ underwater laser scanner, the ULS-500 PRO, with Sonardyne’s inertial navigation sensor, SPRINT; Syrinx DVL and 6G acoustics. Seatronics, channel partner for 2G Robotics and provider of Sonardyne rental equipment, provided sensors and project/technician support.
Historically, metrology campaigns using Long BaseLine (LBL) acoustics and photogrammetry have demanded significant vessel and ROV time. Additionally, LBL requires physical interaction with the subsea assets and photogrammetry is unable to provide real-time results. The goal of the demo was to quantify the reduction in operational time and increased accuracy of dynamic laser scanning for subsea metrology.