Ocean Robotics Planet Articles

Articles for Tag or Tags: Supporter 6000 Rov

Number of matching Articles: 2

Kystdesign Signs Contract with New Client

Kystdesign is proud to announce the signing of a contract with the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) for the construction of the advanced Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), the Supporter 6000. The contract was signed this week by NIOZ Director Han Dolman and Kystdesign Director Tore Nedland. The Supporter 6000 will be delivered in June 2026 and will serve the entire Dutch marine research community.

REV Ocean to explore and sample biodiversity down to 6000 meters – with submersible ROV from Kystdesign

REV Ocean is excited to announce the purchase of the Supporter 6000 ROV from Kystdesign AS in Aksdal, Norway. The state of the art submersible will be one of the most important tools used to achieve the core scientific goals of the REV Ocean research vessel.

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