Ocean Robotics Planet Articles

Articles for Tag or Tags: Victor Vescovo

Number of matching Articles: 3

Esri's Dawn Wright Will Journey to Challenger Deep with Explorer Victor Vescovo

On or about July 12, a two-person team will descend nearly 36,000 feet into the Pacific Ocean to capture images and data from the Challenger Deep, the deepest known point in the Earth's ocean. The expedition team will include Victor Vescovo, undersea explorer and founder of the ocean research company Caladan Oceanic, as pilot and Dr. Dawn Wright as mission specialist. The expedition will be led and coordinated by expedition leader Rob McCallum, founder of EYOS Expeditions.

MTS and SUT Announce Winners of the 2021 Captain Don Walsh Award for Ocean Exploration

The Marine Technology Society (MTS) and The Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) are proud to announce that the 2021 Captain Don Walsh Award for Ocean Exploration has been won jointly by Commander Victor Vescovo, USN, Retired and Patrick Lahey for the 2019 Five Deeps Expedition and further dives of scientific or historical interest in subsequent years.

Victor Vescovo and Passengers Accomplish Additional Dives to Challenger Deep

In a historic series of dives this month, explorer Victor Vescovo escorted four passengers to the bottom of the Mariana Trench at Challenger Deep. Over the course of 11 days, Vescovo and his guests visited all three pools of Challenger Deep in Triton Submarines’ deep-submergence vehicle (DSV) Limiting Factor, uncovering new knowledge, collecting samples, setting records and expanding the capabilities of mankind even further.

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