ROV Planet Articles

Turkey Gets Falcon For Emergency Response

The rapid detection of hazardous substances in Turkey’s offshore water is made possible with a Saab Seaeye Falcon operated by MOST Maritime and Environmental Services.

OTAQ: Non-Executive Director Appointment

OTAQ, the marine technology products and solutions group for the global aquaculture and offshore oil and gas industries, is pleased to announce that Malcolm Pye will join the Board of OTAQ as a Non-Executive Director with immediate effect.

Ocean Business postponed until October 2021

The organisers of Ocean Business have announced the event has been rescheduled from July to October 2021. The ocean technology exhibition and training forum will be deferred to the new dates of 12-14 October 2021 at the National Oceanography Centre, in Southampton UK.

Netherlands Royal Navy Appoints RTSYS for 7 ASW Training Targets

RTSYS is proud to confirm a multi-million euro contract with the State of the Netherlands for the supply of 7 SEMA: PORTABLE & RECOVERABLE ASW TRAINING TARGET.

Rovco Announces Launch of Spin-Off Company ‘Vaarst’ to Scale Up Technologies for Wider Industrial Robotics Market

Rovco, leading provider of marine robotic and hydrographic services coupled with state-of-the-art technology, today announced an executive shift focus within the company. Simon Miller will take over as new Managing Director of Rovco, while newly appointed CFO and Director, Nick Boorman will lead the group alongside CEO, Brian Allen, who turns his attention to the development of a new start-up technology company, Vaarst. The news marks the continued expansion of the company during a period of sustained growth, as the number of Rovco employees reaches 57.

Ashtead Technology invests £1m in new tech centre to support renewables and decom work

Integrated subsea technology and services provider Ashtead Technology has invested £1million to develop a new R&D and engineering facility in Aberdeenshire. The firm has also launched a recruitment drive to bolster its operations as part of its long-term business goal.

OceanTools support Life Saving Tsunami Detection Project

OceanTools, global leaders in subsea engineering, are supporting a Tsunami Detection Project in Southeast Asia, successfully delivering their first shipment of Tsunami Detection Housings to a client in Indonesia. Depth rated to 7500metres, the housings will be utilised for early detection of tsunami threats, which will provide the authorities the opportunity to efficiently evacuate people living in its path, therefore, reducing the number of fatalities.

Impact Subsea Distribution Agreement with Seatronics

Impact Subsea is delighted to announce the appointment of Seatronics Ltd as a distributor of Impact Subsea underwater sensor solutions within the Middle East.

ROV Planet Buyer's Guide 2021

ROV Planet has launched the ROV/AUV Parts & Equipment Suppliers Buyer’s Guide 2021. The magazine of choice for Marine & Underwater Robotics Professionals. Welcome to ROV Planet!

Fugro launches MASSPeople international working group for remote and autonomous training standards

In partnership with SeaBot XR, a leading agency for next-generation cutting-edge learning products and services, and the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Fugro has launched MASSPeople, the Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) International Training Standards Working Group.

MacArtney Develops Advanced Telemetry System for Jasco Underwater Listening Stations

Years of development culminated in a MacArtney telemetry concept measuring and transmitting individual noise profiles for complex acoustic data tracking to help preserve and recover one of Canada's most iconic species - the Southern Resident Killer Whale.

Ultra awarded Canadian Surface Combatant subcontract to provide Hull-Mounted Sonar

Ultra is delighted to announce a contract award to commence work on the S2150-C Hull-Mounted Sonar (HMS) system for the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) program.

RTSYS delivers 2 SIERA systems to the Indian Navy

RTSYS has been awarded a contract from Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) for the delivery of 2 SIERA systems allowing the characterization and the calibration of Indian Navy’s new generation hull-mounted and variable depth sonars.

Save the date for Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2021

Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference (OEEC) will take place in Amsterdam RAI on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 October 2021. The 14th edition of OEEC will have a physical exhibition floor and content programme combined with an online event and matchmaking environment. The dates for the event were selected after an inquiry amongst our community.

Kongsberg Maritime launches new cNODE MiniS transponder with pressure sensor

Kongsberg Maritime is pleased to announce that it has augmented its range of cNODE MiniS SSBL (Super Short Base Line) and LBL (Long Base Line) transponders with new models incorporating an internal, high-accuracy strain gauge pressure sensor.

Kraken Announces $3.5 Million of Contract & Funding Awards

Kraken Robotics Inc., Canada’s Ocean Company™, is pleased to announce a new contract for subsea batteries and new funding support totalling $3.5 million.

Aleron Limited announce the appointment of Gary McConnell as new Managing Director

Aleron Limited, specialists in complete ROV solutions, tooling and products, are delighted to announce the promotion of Gary McConnell to Managing Director. Formerly Commercial Manager, McConnell steered the business through a challenging year and will continue to lead Aleron through a significant period of growth, implementing new internationalisation strategies and developing the Aleron client offerings.

C-Power Announces Groundbreaking Demonstration of Saab Sabertooth AUV with SeaRAY Autonomous Offshore Power System

C-Power today announced the addition of a groundbreaking demonstration of a Saab double-hull Sabertooth hybrid autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to the six-month sea trial of the SeaRAY autonomous offshore power system (AOPS).

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