ROV Planet Articles

Humans Mingle with Robots at Immersive Event to Launch UK Research Centre

The UK’s newest robotics research centre was launched with a special immersive event at The University of Manchester. Hundreds of students, academics, and industry representatives were treated to a display of the latest robotic and autonomous systems to raise awareness of CRADLE – the Centre for Robotic Autonomy in Demanding and Long-lasting Environments.

DeepTech Pens Long-term Deal with BP

Deepwater services and intervention specialists, DeepTech, has won a three-year contract to deliver rig support ROV services for BP on the West Nile Delta development offshore Egypt.

DeepOcean Charters Converted Offshore Support Vessel

Ocean services provider DeepOcean has agreed to charter a converted, battery-powered vessel to further enhance its subsea offering to the offshore renewables and oil and gas industries.

TMC Subsidiary NORI Completes Key Offshore Research Campaign, Evaluating Seafloor Ecosystem Function a Year Post Nodule Collection Test

Despite illegal disruptions from Greenpeace International aimed at hindering the collection of key environmental data requested by the ISA’s Legal and Technical Commission, researchers were able to complete the major components of the scientific work scope slated for the campaign. The data gathered will further support NORI’s application to the International Seabed Authority for a commercial exploitation contract, which it expects to submit following the July 2024 meeting of the ISA.

Underwater Sensor Manufacturer, Impact Subsea, Reveals New Brand Identity

Impact Subsea has revealed a new brand identity incorporating an updated logo, icon and look. The new logo is an evolution of the original while the icon is based on a unique mechanical design feature found in every Impact Subsea sensor.

Polish Navy Adds New T20-S Module to GAVIA AUV

Teledyne Gavia is pleased to announce that the Polish Ministry of Defence (MOD) is bolstering its underwater survey capabilities by procuring the Teledyne RESON SeaBat T20-S Module for the group's GAVIA Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). These AUVs have been successfully employed by the Polish MOD for mine countermeasures (MCM) since 2014 and currently comprise a fleet of four (4) GAVIA AUVs, each equipped with extensive capabilities.

TMC Subsidiary NORI Shares Preliminary Findings on Environmental Impacts of Pilot Nodule Collection System Test

Additional qualitative data acquired this month using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) at the seafloor in the NORI-D area show that sessile organisms identified during NORI’s environmental baseline studies are still present twelve months after its pilot nodule collection system test in areas that have been influenced by the seafloor plume.

EVENT: Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology - London, UK - 29-31 January, 2024

The 9th annual Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology conference, taking place on the 29-31 January 2024 in London. With rapid technological advances changing the way maritime forces need to utilise and manage ISR capabilities across domains, Maritime and Littoral Reconnaissance and Surveillance systems and platforms have become a critical component of naval capability.

Ocean Installer in Consortium with Oceaneering have been Awarded a Significant Contract from TotalEnergies EP Angola

Ocean Installer in consortium with Oceaneering have been awarded a significant contract from TotalEnergies EP Angola and its Partners of Block 17 to execute the transportation and installation work of GIR FLEX project. The project is part of the operator’s program to extend the life of the FPSO, which has been producing since 2001, to 2031.

TechnipFMC Awarded Major iEPCI Contract by Petrobras for Mero 3 HISEP Project

TechnipFMC has been awarded a major(1) integrated Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Installation (iEPCI™) contract by Petrobras to deliver the Mero 3 HISEP® project, which uses subsea processing to capture carbon dioxide-rich dense gases and then inject them into the reservoir.

EVENT: Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology USA - Arlington, VA, USA - 29-30 April, 2024

The Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology USA conference is North America’s only event this year exclusively dedicated to Maritime ISR, bringing together the senior military leadership responsible for acquiring, implementing and operating Maritime ISR platforms.

Fugro Adds Two Geotechnical Vessels to its Fleet

Fugro has reached an agreement to acquire two platform supply vessels, Sea Goldcrest and Sea Gull, which will be used as geotechnical assets.

Kraken Receives Synthetic Aperture Sonar Order from NATO CMRE

Kraken Robotics is pleased to announce that it has received an order from NATO Science and Technology Organisation (STO) Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) for a Miniature Synthetic Aperture Sonar (MINSAS) System from Kraken. The order followed an openly competed tender process and was delivered in Q4. Kraken’s MINSAS was selected having met CMRE’s rigorous requirements for a robust, broadband Synthetic Aperture Sonar. Kraken’s MINSAS will be integrated onto a NATO CMRE’s Uncrewed Underwater Vehicle (UUV), where it will also support advanced Artificial Intelligence capabilities such as Automated Target Recognition (ATR).

Can Seaweed Help Store CO2 on the Ocean Floor?

Scientists from the UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC), in collaboration with Seafields, Integrated Environmental Solutions (INES) and the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus Barbados (UWI), have started a project in the Caribbean to improve our understanding of the potential effects of using seaweed to store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The project is co-funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

New AUV Service Center in Poland

Teledyne Marine is pleased to announce the opening of a Service Center for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) in Poland.

UTEC Strengthens Survey Services with Saudi-owned Front End Strategic Partnership

UTEC Survey Asia Pte Ltd., a Geo-services brand in Acteon’s Data and Robotics division, has entered a strategic agency agreement with Front End Ltd., a 100% Saudi-owned company providing advanced products and solutions to the offshore energy industry.

Boeing Delivers First Orca Extra Large Uncrewed Undersea Vehicle to U.S. Navy

Boeing has delivered the first Orca Extra Large Uncrewed Undersea Vehicle (XLUUV) to the U.S Navy following acceptance testing completion this month. The XLUUV, designated by the Navy as “Orca,” is a new class of autonomous submarine that can perform long duration critical missions to achieve undersea maritime dominance in changing environments and contested waters.

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