ROV Planet Articles

VIDEO: Guardian Sea Class Subsea Robotic System: Dexterous Underwater Manipulation

The Sarcos Guardian Sea Class underwater manipulation robot is designed to provide human-like manipulation capabilities in complex and often dangerous underwater environments. Its flexible two-armed system can be teleoperated or controlled with optional autonomous and semi-autonomous control.

Kongsberg’s Advanced Maritime Broadband Radio Solution Granted FCC Waiver

The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted permission to Kongsberg to use the 5.725-5.850 GHz communications band for its Maritime Broadband Radio (MBR) products. The permission was granted in 2022, with a focus on deliveries in 2023 and beyond.

HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco Announces a Quarter of the Ocean Now Mapped

An additional 5.4 million square kilometres of new data - equating to an area twice the size of Argentina - has been added to the definitive map of the world’s ocean floor, with 24.9 per cent of the seabed now mapped. The latest figure was announced by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco during the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Assembly, currently taking place in Monaco. Formed by the representatives of its 98 Member States and Observers, the Assembly meets triannually to discuss new developments in technical standards, ocean mapping and agree on resolutions to guide activities.

Saipem: FlatFish winner of 2023 Spotlight on New Technology Award by OTC

Saipem has been conferred the 2023 Spotlight on New Technology® Award by Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) for its FlatFish Autonomous Underwater Inspection Drone. The award is assigned by OTC to those exhibitors who are revolutionizing the future of offshore energy through technological advancement and innovation. The conference is one of the world’s leading offshore energy events, held this year from 1-4 May in Houston, Texas.

U-Boat Worx Appoints Moravia Yachting as International Partner for the Sale of the Nautilus Submarine

U-Boat Worx is delighted to announce the appointment as the exclusive international partner for the sale of the U-Boat Worx Nautilus submarine to Moravia Yachting. The U-Boat Worx Nautilus is the world’s first superyacht submarine. This incredible hybrid-electrical sub offers deep-sea exploration to a depth of 150m.

LOTOS Choose Seaeye Leopard for Baltic Fields

LOTOS Petrobaltic, part of multi-energy concern ORLEN, has ordered Saab’s Seaeye Leopard work class robotic vehicle to service underwater infrastructure within Poland’s B3 and B8 oil fields in the Baltic Sea.

Excitement and Determination Light Up the Conversation at Ocean Census Launch

With over 150 ocean advocates present, it was no surprise that new ideas for collaboration were springing up every few minutes at the launch of Ocean Census on Thursday 27 April at the Royal Institution, London, UK.

Ashtead Technology Signs Rental Agreement with i2S with Access to Orphie Technology

International subsea rental equipment and solutions specialist Ashtead Technology has signed an exclusive rental agreement with France-based i2S, specialists in underwater robotics and imaging solutions.

NOAA, Proteus Ocean Group to Explore Uses of Groundbreaking Underwater Lab

NOAA and Proteus Ocean Group have signed a formal agreement to use the “underwater space station of the ocean,” PROTEUS™, to advance marine science, research and education. Together, NOAA and Proteus Ocean Group seek to develop a deeper understanding of the ocean environment and reveal solutions to some of the planet’s most pressing concerns, including those related to climate change.

Subsea Integration Alliance Awarded Contract Offshore Egypt

Subsea7 today announced the award of a substantial contract to Subsea Integration Alliance1 by bp and its JV partner Wintershall Dea for the Raven Infills Project, offshore Egypt.

Innovative JBS Secures Contract for its Patented Sea Axe Subsea Excavation Technology

JBS Group, the innovative multi-disciplined engineering solutions and products provider, has had its best ever start to a year with £3m worth of contracts secured. The latest contracts involve fabrication work, screw conveyors and its patented Sea Axe subsea excavation technology. Peterhead-based JBS has increased its team from 50 to 62 in the past six months which includes the addition of two apprentices. JBS delivered fabrication projects for operators and energy services firms. The work included flying lead deployment frames – part of a wider collaboration project with Scottish engineering firm HCS Control Systems – and several other large-scale fabrication workscopes for long-standing clients.

Subsea Technology Specialists Team Up to Meet Growing Demand from Offshore Wind Sector

Subsea Europe Services and Rental Technology & Services (RTS) have embarked on a new strategic partnership with focus on expanding their mutual subsea equipment rental pools and collaborating to create solutions that will deliver marine survey and underwater inspection efficiencies using new sensors, communication systems, autonomous platforms and digital technologies.

Nauticus Robotics Successfully Completes Live Testing of its AI-Enhanced Mine Countermeasure Vehicle to Advance Second Defense Innovation Unit Project

Nauticus Robotics, a developer of autonomous robots using artificial intelligence for data collection and intervention services for the ocean economies, today announced its successful completion of a live offshore demonstration with the U.S. Navy of its AI-enhanced mine countermeasure vehicle. The achievement advanced Nauticus to the next phase of the Defense Innovation Unit’s (“DIU”) Autonomous Explosive Ordinance Disposal (“EOD”) Maritime Response Vehicle (“AEMRV”) program. The AEMRV represents one of two Nauticus programs with the DIU – a Department of Defense organization that strengthens the national security by accelerating the adoption of leading commercial technology throughout the military and growing the national security innovation base.

Teledyne Marine Receives the 2023 Spotlight on New Technology Award

Teledyne Marine has been awarded the prestigious Spotlight on New Technology Award from the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC). The award announcement came recently and is given exclusively to OTC exhibitors who are “reshaping the offshore energy sector through innovation and developing technologies.” Some criteria to receive the honor include demonstrated success, the degree of ingenuity, product uniqueness, and the ability to make a significant impact across the offshore industry. The honor for this year’s award will go to the Teledyne Marine 3-Channel Vertical Optical Feedthrough System.

Sarcos and VideoRay Sign Agreement to Offer Integrated Underwater Robotic Systems

Sarcos Technology and Robotics Corporation (“Sarcos”) (NASDAQ: STRC and STRCW), a leader in the design, development and manufacture of advanced robotic systems that redefine human possibilities, and VideoRay, the world’s leading manufacturer of underwater robotic systems, announced today that the companies have signed an agreement to offer integrated underwater robotic systems combining VideoRay remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) with the Sarcos Guardian® Sea Class robotic system including its power-efficient dexterous arms.

Grove Academy win 2023 MATE Scotland ROV at RGU

A team of budding engineers from Grove Academy in Dundee have taken the top prize at the MATE Scotland ROV competition. The pupils were among five secondary school teams from around Scotland who faced off at Robert Gordon University (RGU) to put their robots through a series of underwater missions for a place in the World Championships in USA.

Rovco Launches New Site Characterisation Business Line

Rovco, a global provider of technology-enabled project solutions to the offshore renewable energy sector, has launched a new, dedicated marine site characterisation business line, to help address a crucial industry shortfall of companies with the all-round skills and expertise to carry out site consenting surveys prior to the construction of new offshore installations.

The Spanish Navy Amps Capacity with Maritime Robotics and Kongsberg Collaboration

Under the umbrella of the project VERIL (Vehículo Explorador Robotizado Integral Ligero), IHM selected Kongsberg Discovery to provide both small and compact, and long-range medium USVs fitted with a comprehensive ecosystem of sensors and equipment for a seamless, remote high-quality hydrographic data acquisition, processing, and online visualization and control.

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